Astrological-psychological Readings

Astrological-psychological ReadingsAstrological-psychological ReadingsAstrological-psychological Readings

Cosmic  guidance for personal awareness

Call to make an appointment: (760) 777-1577


astrological psychology:

An astrological chart is like an  x-ray that provides insight into the emotional, mental and spiritual energies reflected within an individual.  Through the art and science of astrological psychology we will explore personal areas of strengths and challenges and how to use the energies reflected in your chart  in your highest good and best interest.  There is an art and science to understanding the psychological workings of the human mind, heart and soul.  The purpose of self-awareness is to gain self-understanding, self-acceptance and self- love.  

All sessions are 1 hour long and conducted over the phone. Face time is an option. For an appointment call 760-777-1577  and leave the following information: Your name, birth date, place of birth, and time of birth as accurate as possible (often found on birth certificate). Within 24 hours your call will be returned  and at that time you will be scheduled for a personal astrological reading.  The first reading is $150.00, 

Dr. sally diane, LMFT

Psychotherapist - Astrologer:

I've been a licensed psychotherapist in Iowa and currently in California for a combined  20+ years .  My area of specialty includes: trauma, grief and loss, depression and anxiety.  I worked as a Program Director at the renown Betty Ford Center (Rancho Mirage, CA) in the Summer Institute for Medical Students program providing education about the disease of addiction... I've also had a passionate interest in astrology for over 45 years.  I recognized early on in my training that astrology provides a powerful resource for self-awareness.  There is a natural affinity between the study of psychology and astrology. They both provide synchronistic insight into the development and experience of psyche.